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What can you expect to gain from FCCI Resources?

FCCI Resources focus on Transformation. A business can be radically transformed Biblically and profitably as its leaders experience personal Transformation that impacts culture and daily operations. Just as individuals can profit in their sales, marketing & customer service skills through applying the Golden Rule, Biblical principles can provide frameworks for teams, yielding cultures of excellence. We explore the Bible’s wealth of instruction on how we do business, fueled by daily intimacy with Christ.

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Here’s what you’ll receive in mid-October... (Click here to view)

A great tool for sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel of John, specifically geared for business people and co-workers. click here for a full description

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Access streaming content today!

P2P Curriculum, including video resources, workbooks, and support materials FREE to FCCI Members.

Making Moral Choices in a World Full of Options
Charles Colson and Robert George

God can turn any marriage into a masterpiece!

Books, discs, and sets available for purchase.
